The Human Resource Management and Development Directorate is to ensure: the availability of requisite and adequately trained staff for the effective operations of the Ministry through modern human resource planning, the requisite skills mix for the effective and efficient functioning of the Directorate, and the implementation of approved human resource policies and practices of the Civil Service.

The Directorate also provides HR services to the Departments and Agencies under the sector and links them up with the head of Civil Service and the Public Services Commission.

It has three (3) functional areas comprising, Training and Development, Human Resource Planning and Strategy, and Performance Management Units.

  • Sector-Wide HR Planning and Strategy Unit:

This Unit initiates strategies and facilitates the career planning of staff of the sector. This involves regular deployment, secondment, posting, transfer, and development of Schemes of Service.

  • Sector-Wide HR Training & Development Unit:

It initiates the review and development of career training policies and guidelines. It also collates the training needs identified through staff performance management systems for implementation.

  • Sector-Wide HR Performance Management Unit:

The unit is responsible for developing the framework for institutional and staff performance management including staff appraisal and performance contracts/agreements.