Director, Works
Ing. Ebenezer Buertey Mac-Tetteh is the Director, Works at the Ministry of Works and Housing., He is a Civil Engineer with professional membership of the Ghana Institution of Engineering ((Senior Professional Engineer (SPE-GhIE, Reg. No. 02959))
He holds MSc Civil Engineering from the Open University Malaysia (OUM), MPhil in Development Studies from the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale, Advanced Professional Certificate (Postgraduate Certificate) – Planning and Management of Water Resources from MVV (CDG), Germany, a Bachelor of Marketing Degree (Honours) (with 2 major: Strategic Management & International Trade and Finance) and a Certificate in Management both from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and International Management Certificate from the Jansky Institut (CDG), Germany.
He has over 25 years of experience in Civil Engineering, Dam, Drainage and other Hydraulic Structural Engineering works. During the period, his Engineering practice has been systematically infused with the relevant academic studies, thereby broadening the scope and grasp of the contemporary problems of Hydraulic structures, Drainage, Water Supply studies, Flood control works as well as other civil engineering works in Ghana.
Until he was appointed on secondment as the Director, Works, he was the Director of Water Engineering at the Architectural and Engineering Services Limited.
He has also attended a number of conferences / workshops / seminars in Ghana and abroad. Professionally related ones are as follows:
- Supporting Institution for project funding, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Germany
- Floods in Accra, The Professional Engineer’s role in protecting Life and Property, GhIE, Accra,
- Flood Prevention, forecasting, and Control, HVZ Karlsruhe Germany,
- Planning and Design of water supply system and Water treatment plant, case study, MVV, Manhiem, Germany
- Irrigation techniques, Universita degli studi di Padova, Italy.
- Treatment of surface water (Rhine Water) use of ground water recharge, Hessisches Ried, Germany.
- Political, economic, eco-technical and legal aspects of Gas and Water in the world Bundesverband deutschen Gas- und Wasserwirtschaft (BGW), Germany,
- Special problems of surface water treatment and surface water protection, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Privatization in water sector, BMZ, Germany.